93 | 7 | 43M |
Play game
Sep 22, 2014
Kill monsters, collect gold, upgrade heroes, use skills, find treasure, kill bosses, and explore new worlds in this epic adventure!
For issues and suggestions, please contact clickerheroes@playsaurus.com
Click on the monsters.
Legend of Large Numbers
1K = 1,000 = One Thousand
1M = 1,000K = One Million
1B = 1,000M = One Billion
1T = 1,000B = One Trillion
1q = 1,000T = One Quadrillion
1Q = 1,000q = One Quintillion
1s = 1,000Q = One Sextillion
1S = 1,000s = One Septillion
1O = 1,000S = One Octillion
1N = 1,000O = One Nonillion
1d = 1,000N = One Decillion
1U = 1,000d = One Undecillion
1D = 1,000U = One Duodecillion
1! = 1,000D = One Tredecillion
1@ = 1,000! = One Quattuordecillion
1# = 1,000@ = One Quindecillion
1$ = 1,000# = One Sexdecillion
1% = 1,000$ = One Septendecillion
1^ = 1,000% = One Octodecillion
1& = 1,000^ = One Novemdecillion
1* = 1,000& = One Vigintillion
A lot > 1,000* < A lot
97 | 8 | 6M |
96 | 2 | 349K |
98 | 12 | 43M |
97 | 1 | 369K |
97 | 669K |
97 | 579K |
97 | 166K |
97 | 15 | 74M |
96 | 88K |
97 | 409K |
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