



Good day I bid thee! This'ere gallant knight in trewe and loyal service to the Kingdom of Armoria, be member of the Praetorian Guard. As an ever sanguine feeling, jesty and friendly character by nature, I be always eager to aide me yon good folk of the ArmorGames community in any ways.

Perchance thou hast thee a problem? Best oft check yonder the Support Forum, for'tiswere thou may quickest find thine answers! If thou wishes a direct way, oft simply ye ask me hither at mine profile by means of proclamation or thou send for a message through email. (

Hark now, for thou shallst best take heed to and liveth by the Kingdom's Laws and Biddings to Proclamation as were thee respectable citizens of Armoria. Ne'er shall ye defy nor forswear them as -in truth aye- yon actions shall befall just warning and with persiverance -forsooth- thy will be swiftly acted upon with proper smiting by me sturdy banhammer.

Getst thine activity up in yonder forums and I shallst see thee anon! Go to! All Hail Armoria! Huzzah! Huzzah! =)

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  • York011 list of games to be taken down
    5 8605
    Support Forum
    Made 4 years ago
    @York011 There is no specific list for games that are/will be taken down, but Armor Games does post about particular games that will be dis…
  • lozerfac3 Mad lib story
    4 4838
    Forum Games
    Made 4 years ago
    The bunny found a tree that grows clouds, so 'Hopper' wanted to grab some. The problem was that there was no ___ around to ___ and so he ca…
  • Skryze Anyone remember Need For Madness?
    2 7384
    Made 4 years ago
    @Skryze That sounds like what most of the online multiplayer games will face at some point... Plauers move on and the multiplayer community…
  • TheMostManlyMan Thank you for everything, Armor Games
    6 6659
    The Tavern
    Made 4 years ago
    That's a big thank you note there @TheMostManlyMan ... Congratulations on getting married! Awesome news bud! And fantastic to see how Arm…
  • EliseHell Ban deveveloper. He is lying
    11 9885
    Support Forum
    Made 4 years ago
    No need to swear at someone of you do not agree with them @EliseHell Please try to stay polite. Thanx.
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